I wrote a really long thing saying happy new years amd my thank you's but I accidently went back and now its all gone :(
I am just gonna type it in points:
~I grew alot this year, Not only in my art but as a person as well. Personal new years speech here:https://plus.google.com/+minichou/posts/4VYYQQHtSrW
~Thank you for all of you who gave me contructive critism, followed me, and gave me 'honest' ratings on my art
Deviantart speech here:http://therainhascleared.deviantart.com/journal/What-a-year-Happy-new-years-everyone-o-581496791
~I want to keep improving because I know I can get better! I hope to do a collab with a hentai artist one day to help boost my popularity and be more friendly with the hentai community. I hope next year I can get even more fans and more constructive critism to help me out. Thank you for all the help you guys gave me it helped alot.
Happy new years!